You want to enjoy parenting and the time with your children, but you find yourself getting frustrated and then guilty about those feelings.
Maybe you have read all the books.
Maybe you follow parenting influencers. You probably get more advice than what you wish... And yet, it feels so hard to put in into action. Nobody tells us how triggering parenting can be, how many of our own wounds resurface while we witness our kids big feels and big needs. I know the struggle. As a single mother raising my two children far away from my family and culture, I spent many years healing, learning and practicing peaceful parenting and now it's my honor to support you in doing the same. |
I'm here to help you strengthen your connection with your child, get cooperation, set firm and loving limits, all while honoring your child's autonomy and uniqueness.
You don't have to do this alone.
I'm here to help you feel confident, informed and supported.
I'm here to help you feel confident, informed and supported.
“After the birth of my second child, Marissa’s support and presence that day was so valuable to me when I was in a pretty low place. Her recommendations and the the insightful things she shares have been so helpful to me these past few years.”
Parent Coaching
Per hour $150 1 hour of coaching For parents who need just a little guidance with a single issue. |